Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Angelic Whisper

Beauty speaks through a shadow of serenity, Like a reflection of the new Moon whispering…Speak to me…The tender yet powerful voice sings to me in the wind as it blows a powerful-angelic tenor in my direction, The elegance speaks a voice so delicate, it’s as if the birds whisper… Her eyes are so florescent-Her wings are so angelic-Her beauty is so powerful-And her halo is so well-lit. Her eyes are a dreamlike mystery, As the tentative blink of a single eye livens her beauty so excessively decorative. One look at such a beautiful angel elates my desire And so with the feeling conceived when she looks at me the sky’s turn blue and the rain stops, All is new, And nothings not. Her perspective towards the evil that has destroyed the earth as we now know it is just so cataleptic, It is as-if she is totally oblivious towards it and she will not allow herself to favor it, I find her angelic nature to be so impassive, so submissive, so serene, I’ve been a whiteness. I feel my livelihood is so-much more fervent because of her. And as a matter of fact and because of that, It’s like my feelings are all brand new… still many are unused. Her beauty Is strong enough to keep me from falling, though still-I-am,…,In love..! I imagine Her kiss to be ever so tender, so subtle. Her finesse beckons me, As she calls me to comfort her, So as I approach, I try to remember, My Halo’s broken, But she will fight to fix-it, nothing is unknown, For she is so persistent, She is a dream, And as she creates my aspiration. She conceives a new elation, And as she shares her tranquility, the peacefulness of the evening warms my heart. My enthusiastic approach towards her becomes louder than love, she is superior.. She is one.. One with freedom, She is free… she is one with poise, and Un to all but me. To embrace such an angelic individual is like a dream, unfortunately that’s all it is right now. I tell her I love her consistently, And immediately she kisses me, I embrace her warm body, And the sweat, though comfortably-is glistening. My love for her will grow, stronger and stronger with every kiss, And as-long as she knows this, All will be in place. And the day comes closer to the end, And so the moon replaces the sun. As I light the candles. I know what she wants n’ what she needs, I know what is not n’ I know what it means… I know what will be, n’ I know that she loves me, I feel it, I can see it in her eyes through the passing of her smile every time I say goodbye, it disheartens me but at the same time it’s reassuring knowing that she loves me enough to cry. Though I can only return upon someone else’s will, I can only try.

The End

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